Monday, October 10, 2011

The power of music

SURPRISE I'm back on schedule!! 

Your probably thinking this is going to be a really heart felt post about how music has touched me in a powerful way. I could totally do a post like that but frankly I'm not in a very serious mood today. :D

Its amazing how putting on some good music whether that means "oldies" from the 90's (you know you love N*sync and Spice Girls) or some Beyonce, Dave Matthews, or some up-lifting Christian praise music can change your whole day. I love all types of music. Nothing beats putting on whatever I'm in the mood for and having a karaoke dance session. Guaranteed if you ever unexpectedly show up at my house on my day off  you will find me un-showered, in my pj's and music on and me dancing and singing while going about my day. hehe Which could be anything from cleaning the kitchen to playing with Asher.

Speaking of which, allow me to pause for the next 4 mins as one of my current favs in on my Pandora....I know you would never know but I'm actually singing and dancing while writing this post.

I love that God  gave us such great things such as music to improve our moods and our day. To comfort us the way nothing else can.

Thank you God for the simple things in life. Show you how much you truly do love us.

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